Simply Earth February 2023 Essential Oil Box was themed SOAP! It included recipes and extras to make a heart-shaped soap, sugar scrub, and more. I also received three single oils and one blend to add to my collection (which I mainly use for diffusing). See what we got below!
DEALS: Receive a FREE Big Bonus Box with your first box. Deal applies automatically, just use this link to subscribe. Plus, get a $45 gift card you can use for your next box or future purchases!
Cardamom Essential Oil ($19.99) This smells nice, warm and a little like eucalyptus but not as strong and maybe sweeter. It may help promote women’s health and wellness and help with sore joints.
Fennel Essential Oil ($11.99) Fennel smells like licorice or anise, sharp and sweet — reminds me of cough syrup, ugh. This is another herb for women’s wellness and may help promote digestion.
Ginger Root Essential Oil ($17.99) Ginger definitely helps with digestion and stomach issues, possibly motion sickness. This doesn’t smell the way I would expect, and I don’t seem to have another bottle to compare it to, but for some reason this reminds me of peanut butter! It’s earthy and smells a bit like dirt.
Love Essential Oil Blend ($18.99) Love is our blend for the month and it is supposed to encourage romantic feelings. It’s a mix of orange, ylang ylang, bergamot, and amyris essential oils and smells a lot like ylang ylang with a hint of pink bubblegum. Forget hubba hubba, this smells like Hubba Bubba!

Shea Butter Melt & Pour Soap, Fuchsia Mica Powder (Buy 15g for $4.99), and Soap Mold are the extra items this month and will be used to complete some of the recipes, such as a soap.

The stickers are pre-scored and now have space to write a production date so products can be tossed when they are about to go bad.

There were six recipes cards of various complexity, from easy pour and mix to soap making.

Some of the cards have the rest of a recipe on the back, others have information about the oils, extras, charity of the month, and what’s coming up next month.
Below are a few of the projects I completed with this month’s recipe box and supplies!

I always start by adding the drops as required in the recipe to my diffuser. This blend has both herbal and floral notes that work well year round. You can make a master blend using the 5ml bottles from the Big Bonus Box. Just add the amount of oils as listed on the bottom of the recipe.

The rollerball blend is also easy to make. Take one of the rollerball bottles from the Big Bonus Box, add the essential oils, give them a swirl, then top with coconut oil. Make sure to press the rollerball all the way in so it won’t spill and place the label on the bottle.

The ylang ylang is very noticeable in this blend and it smells very nice, a spicy floral.

The final project I attempted this month was the Cleansing Sugar Scrub Bar. I used the soap base, oils, and mold from this month’s box plus almond oil from the Big Bonus Box and sugar from my pantry.

I melted the soap cube in the microwave — it didn’t take long, maybe 15 seconds total. I mixed the essential oils and almond oil in a separate bowl and then added it to the melted soap base before stirring in the sugar. My mix wasn’t exactly pourable so I heated it for a few more seconds, stirring in between, until everything was in a slightly more flowy state and then poured/pressed into the soap mold. I waited several hours for the bar to harden and then easily popped it out of the mold. You can use this at the sink or in the shower to exfoliate the skin gently. The bar leaves behind a little layer of oil afterwards and the smell is wonderful. What an easy project to complete!

I found the oils and recipes in this month’s box from Simply Earth fun and easy, at least the projects I attempted anyways! I still have the ingredients left to make shave soap and heart-shaped soap but I am lacking the correct rubbing alcohol needed and will probably ask my daughter to make them this summer when she has time (she loves working on projects like this). The oils will most likely get used in the diffuser but it’s easy enough to mix up a batch of massage oil at a moment’s notice so it’s fresh and strong. I’m looking forward to next month’s box, which is all about face products and in which I may make a cleanser, exfoliator, and toner.

Simply Earth is a monthly subscription that sends high-quality essential oils along with recipes and ingredients to make natural beauty and home products! Each box comes with 4 essential oils, containers, extra ingredients to make the recipes, and 5 – 7 recipes on recipe cards. When you sign up (and every 6 months thereafter) you will receive a FREE Big Bonus Box full of extra containers and ingredients needed for the recipes, such as carrier oils and bottles. Simply Earth is $39 a month. They feel strongly about giving back and donate 13% of all profits to help end human trafficking.
Simply Earth’s essential oil subscription made it to the list of the best green & eco-friendly subscriptions!