Hamptons Lane is a monthly subscription box that is carefully curated for those of us who loves cooking, as well as discovering new cooking tools and flavors. Every month, you will receive a themed box that includes a booklet of recipes centered around the theme and between four and seven specialty tools and full-size, shelf stable ingredients. Once you sign up, each month you’ll receive an email describing that month’s new box. You can choose to skip that month without any penalty (no later than the fifth of the month), substitute another box for the current offering or, if need be, you can cancel at any time.
DEAL: Save $10 off your first box with coupon code hellosubscription10.
There are also add-ons that you can choose from for each theme.
And, when you go to choose your box, there aren’t just one or two alternatives. This month, there were 26 boxes that subscribers could choose from!!! And, they all look awesome. We received the Clean Eating themed box for review.
Here is the recipe booklet. Aren’t the colors beautiful!!! Clean eating is definitely something I need a little help with.
The first page of the recipe book is a note from Hamptons Lane introducing the box and all of the exciting things in it. Those bars on the bottom right look awesome.
Then there is a page about the companies and people who produced the box’s products. I loved reading the blurbs about the mom and pop companies.
There is also a detailed product description of every item in the box and how to use it.
There was an interview with The Sneaky Chef, Missy Chase Lapine. She specializes in sneaking health foods into you/your family’s diet in appetizing ways.
The first item in the Clean Eating Box was Amaranth from the Manitou Trading Company ($8). Aramanth is a super grain that is gluten-free and rich in protein. It is also easily digestible, probably because it is so tiny!!! These things are seriously itty-bitty! And, the coolest thing ever, you can pop it. It’s like tiny itty-bitty popcorn. You know I had to try it! First, don’t make the mistake that I did and try to pop it in oil. It doesn’t work well. You just put it in a dry pan and shake it continually.
Here are the itty-bitty popped aramanth kernels. I used them to coat Chocolate Tahini Oat Bites (from the recipe book) instead of the recommended sesame seeds. I think they would be great on a salad too. Or for Barbie and Ken to eat while watching a chick flick in the Barbie dream house… Seriously, I am in love with the tiny popcorn-like cuteness!
I took a hint from the sneaky chef and added aramanth and barley to my family’s normal white rice. And, guess what!? They ate it. And, I loved it. It gives the side a nice chewy texture that rice alone doesn’t have.
Next up was Chia Seeds by Nuts.com ($3). I think, most people have heard of chia seeds, but I didn’t realize that they were so high in Omega 3’s. My friend, who is vegan, made the best cupcakes that I have ever had using chia seeds instead of eggs. I am going to have to see if she will share the recipe. I usually eat them sprinkled on yogurt.
Turmeric ($6.99) by Manitou Trading Company was in the box. This stuff is like a miracle in powder form. We have used it as an anti-inflammatory and had good results. This bottle smells especially wonderful.
Oh my goodness!!! Check it out! A full size Immersion Blender by Brentwood ($19.99). This appliance is a must for creamed soups. And I have been wanting to try making my own mayonnaise. I also used it to mix up the Chocolate Tahini Oat Bites. The immersion blender powered through the thick recipe for the Tahini Bites. I love this thing!
Soom Tahini ($8.25) was the last item in the box. I like to use tahini to make homemade hummus for a second day meal after we have a pot of beans and cornbread on the first day. I puree whatever beans are leftover with a little garlic and tahini. I have however never used tahini for anything else until now.
There are 15 delicious recipes in the book. I made the Chocolate Tahini Oat Bites.
This Hamptons Lane box is a great jump start to healthier eating. I love that they included a practical appliance in the box. The aramanth was my favorite perishable item. I had never tried it before. I feel healthier already!
Do you subscribe to Hamptons Lane? What did you think of this month’s box?