Collectible Geek‘s Monthly Cache is a monthly package built for the ultimate collector, geek, or enthusiast. Each Cache comes with “five meticulously chosen items such as t-shirts, Funko products, nerdy toys from the staff at collectibleGEEK, featuring a different theme each month”. Like last month, this box randomly showed up – I’m guessing that it’s for review (I did have a subscription). Last month they posted this:
Good evening collectors!
As you may have noticed, we haven’t announced a theme for November yet. The reason is that we are taking the month off to prepare for some big changes we have in the works!! We’re going to be debuting a new website and a slew of new products!! Not just subscription boxes, but also new products that will be for sale on our website! Stay tuned to our page for updates. We can’t wait to show you all the exciting changes we have for you!!
They may be the first box to ever come back from a hiatus in their service! There is NO November box, but December boxes are now on sale.
The theme for December is Star Trek. They have promised a starship, a t-shirt, and a Funko in every Cache.
First I would like to thank all of you for all of the feedback we have received over the last year. With this feedback we have been able to fine tune our product to bring you the best mystery box out there.
We will be re-launching the site in the next few days with a ton of new stuff. All past t-shirts starting with the 80’s Cache will be available on the site for $16.99 +shipping. We will also be launching an entire Culture Shock line exclusive to collectibleGEEK, including full size versions of Micro-Posters.
Now for the big change. As those of you that have been with us over this last year know, we have had quite a few different renditions of our caches. Well, we have crunched the numbers and all of the feedback and we have decided to discontinue all current caches and will only be selling one cache each month.
This new cache will always contain 8-10 items. It will also have items that you normally do not see in regular Monthly Mystery Boxes. Things like Wacky Wobblers, 6in POPs, Fabrikations, DC Collectibles Figures, McFarlane Figures…you guys get the idea, BIG TICKET ITEMS. This new cache will simply be called the collectibleGEEK Cache, it will be priced at $59.99.If you already have a subscription for a Monthly Cache nothing changes for you except you will start receiving the new cache. If you have a subscription for the current Deluxe Cache we will be extending your subscription by 1 cache.
Now for the biggest announcement since we started the company. This has been something that you, the collectors, have asked for since we started the company. LOWER SHIPPING. Well, I am happy to say that once the site re-launches shipping for the collectibleGEEK Cache will be as follows. In the U.S shipping will be TOTALLY FREE, that’s right FREE shipping in the U.S., and we will be changing to FLAT RATE shipping for everyone else. Canada will go to $10.00 flat rate shipping and the rest of the world will have a flat rate of just $20.
We are still working on putting together recurring subscriptions but until we can get the interface for you to skip a month working properly that will be on hold. That said, we will be reinstating 3 and 6 month subscriptions. These will work just as before if you don’t want a particular month just contact us before shipping on that cache begins and we skip sending you that month’s cache.
The ALL FUNKO box is still coming. We are finishing up the interface to allow you to tell us what FUNKO items you already have, that way we don’t send you duplicates. The box will be a tiered box as in you will be able to add more items to the box sort of like our old BYO Cache worked. It is going to be a few months till this box is ready to be presented to you the collectors but, I thought I would give you a little update.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and remember you are what makes CG great.
Robert Jerig
Highlights: Caches are now $59.99, free US shipping. Items will be higher ticket, and a new All Funko Box will be coming in a few months.
Everything in the October box! No information card this month. The October 2015 theme was Universal Monsters!
ReAction Figures – The Invisible Man ($9.61) A fully poseable action figure of The Invisible Man. I haven’t tried posing him yet in the half fist pump half collar adjusting pose that he’s using in the box but I think I should! These figures are from Funko in the classic/retro Kenner style.
This is a funny magnet. It’s also nice and thick. This is the sort of custom made item I like to see – a funny send up.
Universal Monsters Dracula Plush ($7.67 wholesale price – when you buy 48!) I haven’t seen these Universal Monsters plush before – I think they may be toys designed for claw cranes. It is actually well-made and reminds me of a Cabbage Patch Kid a bit with the style of the hands. Dracula stands a whole foot tall.
Also included was a pair of Culture Shock Micro Posters.
These classic horror film-style posters featured Frankenstein’s monster (It looks to be an actual still of Boris Karloff as Frankenstein) and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Our T-shirt was a black T with a dramatic black and white pic of the Bride of Frankenstein.
I like the image — it is classic, readily recognizable, and is a dramatic image even without knowing the subject.
We look forward to seeing how the CG relaunch turns out — it sounds like an improvement all-around: more items, bigger ticket items, and free US shipping.
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The Description: The collectible cache, which is a monthly package built for the ultimate collector, geek, or enthusiast. Each Collector’s Cache comes with five meticulously chosen items such as t-shirts, Funko products, nerdy toys from the staff at collectibleGEEK, featuring a different theme each month.
The Categories: Geek Gamer & Nerd Subscription Boxes. Funko Subscription Boxes.
The Reviews: See all our Collectible Geek Reviews.