Orange Glad is a really fun gourmet dessert box featuring items from independent bakeries from all across the country. I think this is a fantastic box for sweets lovers and they really know what they are doing! Everything is packaged to perfection and I don’t think anyone else could really pull this off. Tons of logistics involved in getting all the goodies, packaging them perfectly, and then sending them out all over the country!
Great wrapping, and yes, the pink in February was just for V-Day! The tissue is normally Orange.
The Description: Get a box of treats and confections from bakeries and sweet shops around the nation
The Price: $15 per month (down to $13 on a 6 month plan) + $6.95 shipping. Double your treats for $12 on any subscription!
May 2014 Review
This box ships priority mail and I was so excited to dig in. I took pictures super quickly while my children were otherwise occupied. I kind of just wanted it to myself. They can eat Quaker oatmeal cookies.There is an ingredients list for each item. Many of these are from independent bakeries so it’s not surprising the ingredients aren’t on the package, because they’re not normally packaged in sample sizes for shipping.
And the Sweet Box Menu! Yum! Just looking at my menu, my top pick was the S’more cookie, but another item won out!
Oh lord, there’s my belly. Shhhhh we’re going to pretend it’s not there. I wanted to show you the 3 items that were nestled in squigglies and then there were 2 cookies with meltable ingredients inside the silver packet with a cold pouch. Impressed!
Fine Stonehenge Baking Co. Gluten-Free Ultimate Brownie I don’t eat gluten-free but I love GF brownies. I make them with coconut flour all the time. This one was rice flour and was really dense and dark and delicious.
Cranberry Orange Welsh Cakes Delicious served warm! I believe I have had these exact cakes before so I’ll let the kids have these ones for breakfast. They are really yummy soft scone things. The Welsh know how to do it way better than the Brits!
CiCi’s Handmade Italian Butterhorns O.M.G. I can’t believe nobody ever shoved these in my face when I lived in the Bay Area. I wish they would have. They are saturated with cinnamon sugar and there is the Exact Right Proportion of sugar to flour to butter to cinnamon with the perfect amount of nuts (very little). I don’t even. On CiCi’s website I think it was $10 for 8 of these puppies and I will be buying some soon. I need many more.
Baking Betty’s S’more Cookie & Peanut Butter Cup Cookie I haven’t eaten the big one (so how can I say it’s not my fave? I dunno, the butterhorns were just amazing). But it has graham crackers, Guittard chocolate, and 3 marshmallows. The little one was really good. Great even!
This is such a fun box and I think to discover new bakeries that you never would and make the promise to yourself to stop buying random crap and just have a few amazing items is much better than eating grocery store junk! Visit Orange Glad to subscribe or find out more about the Sweet Box! It’s $15 per month (you can save a buck or two on each box with a longer subscription) plus $6.95 shipping. You can also double the treats in each box which is a great idea. You can also check out more Sweets & Treats boxes in the subscription box directory.
Got my box yesterday and my kids didn’t even notice that I ate the brownie pretty much right in front of them! It was amazing!
Great box!!!