Crunchy Mama February 2020 Subscription Box Review

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Crunchy Mama Box is a monthly subscription box for those who prefer natural and eco-friendly products that are for mind, body, and soul. Each month you will receive items that relate to beauty, self-care, support, sustainability, education, reusability, and wellness. Boxes will contain 5-8 full sized and high quality products curated by a certified holistic health and wellness coach. Crunchy Mama Box is $29.99 a month and shipping is free to the U.S.

Crunchy Mama Box is much more than a subscription box company; we are a community of Mamas that are on a mission to spread love, support, and encouragement. We support women-owned, small, and eco-friendly businesses that make clean, healthy products and that are motivated by a cause. We are also passionate about giving back, which is why we donate a portion of each box to a different Cause Partner each month.

This is my very first Crunchy Mama box! My items were wrapped in tissue paper and sealed with a sticker.

I found a brochure in the box with info on the Cause Partner and the theme, which for February was Wholehearted.

The inside of the brochure had info on each product.

The back of the brochure described the stone of the month.

I love a hand written note, what a lovely touch!

Some of my items were wrapped in tissue paper so that prolonged the “surprise” element as I opened the box.

A couple of items were even in pouches.

Everything in my box!

My first item came with a card with info on the maker.

Roxy Grace and Company Grapefruit Heart Bath Bomb ($1.99) Isn’t the sticker on this heart bath bomb cute? It reminds me of Valentine’s Day candy!

According to the Roxy Grace website this item is made with natural mica color, citric acid, baking soda, witch hazel, natural flavor oils, and essential oils. Unlike some bath bombs I have received from other companies, this one does’t have much of a scent in its dry state and I would feel better about using it than I would a highly fragranced bath bomb, since scent can be irritating to delicate body parts.

Green Opal (buy 1 lb of rough green opal for $11.99) My birthstone is the opal but I’ve never seen one like this!

There are seven chakras in the body and the green opal may help the heart chakra by encouraging one to get over a recent loss or other heartbeak. It may also provide calming benefits. If you are interested in meditation then you can do a Google search on how holding a stone such as this may help you focus on your desired outcome.

It’s a really good size and feels substantial in my hand. It’s about 2″ x 1″.

I received a Momtra card, which is simply a mantra for moms. This was the only item in the box that I felt was directed specifically towards mothers, the rest of the items can be enjoyed by anyone who likes natural beauty and snacks.

Jade Bracelet According to the card this bracelet is made of jade. It has a variety of different colored smooth stones on an elastic cord.

The bracelet is a bit tight on my wrist but then I am plus sized and it may fit fine on smaller wrists. Jade is supposed to protect the heart from emotional hurt and soothe the mind.

Ocean’s Halo Seaweed Snack ($1.24) I am not a fan of seaweed except in California rolls so I am passing this snack along to my daughter. It is made of seaweed, sunflower seed oil, and salt and is perfect for packing in a lucnh box or work bag for a snack on the go.

Gold Candle Holder With Natural Candle I found a small golden-colored glass tealight candle holder and plain tea light candle.

The holder is small, about 2″ x 1″, and it is suggested that you light this candle and place it near the tub when you use one of the bath time items found in this box.

Chocolove Raspberries in Dark Chocolate Bar ($1.50) I love chocolate and I love raspberries so I knew this would be an amazing treat!

The cocoa comes from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.

Oh my gosh, I need to order more of this delicious candy! The dark chocolate is super smooth and the freeze dried raspberries enhance the fruity flavor of the chocolate, and gives it a bit of a crispy rice type of crunch.

The next item came with some info. Here are the front of the little cards…

…and here are the backs.

OHM Healing Mineral Crystal Powder For Baths ($8.50) The idea behind this bath additive is that it is chemically similar to the waters of Saratoga Springs, where people would go to “take the waters”, believing the minerals would bring healing to physical ailments. Please note that this has never been proven and OHM has a disclaimer stating that this is not a replacement for regular medical care.

The only ingredients in this tiny bottle are finely ground Blue Calcite, Selenite, Biotite, Celestite, Green Calcite, and Lepidolite crystals. There is a hematite bead somewhere in the bottle that is supposed to “charge” the minerals so they can provide healing. There is enough powder for 2-3 baths, so a little goes a long way.

Root Journey Facial Serum ($42) As far as I can tell, this brand only sells two products and I was excited to try this facial serum.

The ingredients are simple and natural: organic jojoba oil, organic rosehip oil, organic rosemary extract, organic grapefruit essential oil, and GMO-free vitamin E oil. Please note that grapefruit oil may react with the sun to cause a burn, so I would suggest using this product in the evening and make sure to wear sunscreen in the morning.

The directions say to apply it to a different area at a time, and I like that thought, I can breathe deeply while applying and enjoy the scent along with the smoothing sensation.

The oil is deep yellow and this feels like a facial oil, even if it is called a serum. My skin absorbed it quickly and I really liked the natural, earthy scent.

I was super pleased with my very first Crunchy Mama box! I adore natural beauty products, I think crystals are unique and fun to collect, and I know self care is important. I am a mom too and sometimes taking time for myself is at the bottom of the list, but getting a box such as this every month reminds me that I have to carve out time to pamper me! I thought the quality of each product was wonderful and was excited to discover some new beauty brands. The green opal has been added to my crystal collection and the chocolate bar is long gone. The value for this box is hard to pin down, but based on the items I could find, it is worth a minimum of $55.23, not bad for a natural goods box!

What do you think of this month’s box?

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