The Book(ish) Box is a monthly subscription of literary inspired items. Every box contains a t-shirt and 3-4 other literary items. This month’s box contained items from different stories either written by women or about women. The theme is Yule Ball.
“Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!”
DEAL: You can save $3.50 on your first box with coupon code WELCOME or save 15% on your entire subscription with coupon code HELLO.
I received 5 items in my subscription box.
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! It’s a Harry Potter themed box! Merry Christmas to me! *insert squealing here*
I’ve always wanted to attend a ball and that dream has yet to fade. I really want to attend a Christmas/Yule one. Can you just imagine the magic in the air?
My first item is a Shirt from Appraising Pages ($28) It comes in a gray color with a Christmas wreath and magical items print on it. I so want a snitch. I just wish this was in a different color like an icy blue or a festive red. It would give it more of a Yule feel but I’ll take it.
My next item will make you feel like Christmas is in the air. It is a candle from Whiskey Diamond Candle Co. ($6.50). This one has an evergreen scent to it. The scent reminds me of Christmas trees and brings back good childhood memories. What is your favorite scent this time of year?
If you’ve ever read the books or watched the movies then you will know who Weird Sisters is. My next item is a tumbler with a screenprint of a concert billing for the group circa 1994 from Drop and Give Me Nerdy ($12). I now have a new work cup. Oh yeah, oh yeah. *insert funny dancing here*
To continue on with our Potter/Yule-themed box our next item is something to be proudly worn by a true Gryffindor.
It is a pin in the shape of a stack of magical learning books with a snitch and a Gryffindor Scarf from Jar of Buttons ($10). It is too cute. If I had the appropriate scarf, I would attach this to it. I think I may just add it to my work lanyard.
My last item will be great for the book you are reading this winter. It is a watercolor bookmark from Lexy Olivia with the quote “We all have magic inside us.” I believe this. Each one of us has our own special magical power. Whether it is always making sure your friend knows they are loved or having mad cooking skills. We just have to let some of the magic be seen.
Merry Christmas to you all. May your holiday be a grand Yule ball!
I found myself enjoying this box, I hope you enjoyed yours too. Let’s keep reading!
Tell me what you thought about this month’s Bookish Box!