So manly. So Monday. Here’s the drill – I send boxes to my husband, he takes pictures and sends me an email about what he thinks. I keep them on a a separate blog because well, you don’t want to get inundated with manly things here all the time. On a week where I’ve posted new reviews over there, I write a Manly Monday post (because Monday is the only day of the week that starts with M and I mostly post his reviews on Sunday).
Today we’ve got…
- Bespoke Post: Sweat
- Root Bizzle Tie Subscription Review
- January 2014 Ashton Kutcher Fancy Box Review
- Plus my husband’s Phone Case of the Month Review
It seems like most of his boxes really do come all at once! Look for my review of Bespoke Post soon (I got Heritage) and I’m guessing he’ll get Five Four Club and February Birchbox Man sometime this week. I’ll also have my husband’s review of Moustache Coffee Club here on my blog!