It’s time to see what’s in my Simply Earth May 2022 essential oil box! The theme is WOMEN’S HEALTH! This month I received 3 single oils and one blend and we’re making products to help ease some of the things we have to put up with like cramps or hot flashes. I’m especially looking forward to making the Cooling Spray, but check out what else was included below!
DEALS: Receive a FREE Big Bonus Box with your first box. Deal applies automatically, just VISIT AND SUBSCRIBE. Plus, get a $40 gift card you can use for your next box or future purchases!
NOTE: Please keep in mind that these oils need to be diluted before using and should not be used by pregnant or nursing women or on children under age 2. Be careful when using around older children and pets. If you have further questions, please contact your health care provider. These oils and recipes are not meant to replace medical care when needed. They are fun to use and may help replace traditional products if you prefer to use more natural options.
Ladies’ Choice Essential Oil Blend ($15.99) Ladies’ Choice is a blend that is supposed to help soothe those time of the month woes. It’s a blend of clary sage, marjoram, geranium, and lavender and smells like lavender but warmer, if that makes sense.
Lemon Essential Oil ($9.99) Citrus scents always smell uplifting to me but lemon takes that up a notch. It is well known for its cleansing properties.
Marjoram Essential Oil ($15.99) Marjoram may help aid digestion, relieve menstrual cramps, and clear a headache. It smells warm, a hint of floral mixed with rosemary maybe?
Spearmint Essential Oil ($12.99) While peppermint is my favorite of the mints, spearmint is also up there as a cooling and uplifting scent and I love to diffuse it in blends. It may help with digestion problems, which is probably why it’s in chewing gum!

Aloe Vera Gel (1oz), Homemade Paperboard Tube ($3.99), and Black Spray Bottle (1oz) These items were included and will be used to make some of this month’s recipes. You can sometimes find them in the Simply Earth online shop in the month after they show up in the box if you want to order extras.

I love that the labels, which are peel and stick, are also pre-scored so it’s easy to apply them to my finished products.
I also received 6 recipe cards that have information about Simply Earth on the back. The cards describe the oils, products included in this box, the charitable organization of the month (always related to fighting human trafficking), a sneak peek at the oils coming next month (and any extras you need on hand to complete those future projects), plus even more info about how to earn discounts and where to reach out for help if you have any questions.
One thing I’ve noticed is that more and more recipes are calling for additional items like Geogard preservative or solubilizers to help give the products a longer shelf life (most need to be dumped after about 4-6 weeks) or to help water mix with oil. Those items will need to be ordered separately.
Below are a couple of the projects I have completed so far!
Keep in mind that some of the ingredients in the following recipes came from the Big Bonus Box and some extras (like cornstarch) came from my kitchen.

The easiest way to use essential oils is to diffuse them! I placed the listed amount of drops in my diffuser and then added water and turned it on. This was a relaxing floral scent that I really enjoyed.
The Beauty Skin Care Balm was the most labor intensive of the projects I chose to make and it really wasn’t hard at all. I placed the oils and beeswax in a bowl and melted them in the microwave (it took less than 60 seconds). I let it cool down a bit and then added the essential oils (so they wouldn’t immediately evaporate) and then added some cornstarch. I poured it into the container and then let it sit. NOTE: It will take longer than an episode of Jeopardy before it will become set so be patient (and maybe stick it in the fridge) because you might make a mess like I did. The scent is wonderful, the spearmint stands out the most. This can be rolled onto heels, elbows, etc.

There’s not much to show here. I mixed the oils in the provided bottle and then added aloe gel and water. I’ve been spraying it on the back of my neck, feels so cool!

Flow Roll-On is supposed to help ease menstrual cramps and so I gifted this to my daughter to keep on hand as needed.
I liked the recipes in this month’s Simply Earth Recipe Box, and the theme was a good one too. I still have two recipes to make but one called for turmeric (none on hand) and the other is a hair conditioner that I will try after swimming this summer. I especially like the cooling spray and anyone, male or female, can use that to cool off. Same goes for the skin balm, and I love the smell of that product too, plus, it’s super smooth. I’m keeping the diffuser recipe and I am passing the roll-on to my daughter. Simply Earth is a great way to transition to natural beauty products but again, diffusing is also fun and easy to do. Of course, you can also make in bulk as gifts for friends and family.

Simply Earth is a monthly subscription that sends high-quality essential oils along with recipes and ingredients to make natural beauty and home products! Each box comes with 4 essential oils, containers, extra ingredients to make the recipes, and 5 – 7 recipes on recipe cards. When you sign up (and every 6 months thereafter) you will receive a free Big Bonus Box full of extra containers and ingredients needed for the recipes, such as carrier oils and bottles. Simply Earth is $39 a month. They feel strongly about giving back and donate 13% of all profits to help end human trafficking.
Simply Earth’s essential oil subscription made the list in our 2022 readers’ choice best green & eco-friendly subscription list!
What do you think of the Simply Earth box?