Venturing in the vast outdoors is exciting and thrilling, most especially if you’re well-prepared. Nomadik POWER UP box comes with premium-quality outdoor gear to help adventurers and campers have the best outdoor experience. It included tools to light up campsites at night, as well as a drink mix for an energy boost!
DEAL: Save $5 off on your first subscription box with coupon code HELLO5OFF.
Speaqua The Voyager Power Bank. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets come in handy when you’re out and about, but not when you have dead batteries. This is why they included a 4000mah power bank in the box, which can recharge up to two extra charges. It’s compact and ultra-slim, making it easy to slip inside pockets. Aside from phones, it can also be used with portable speakers, action cameras, or rechargeable flashlights. The power bank also comes with a USB cable for easy charging.
MPOWERD Luci Solar Inflatable Light ($24.95) When night falls on the camping site, having a good source of light is essential. This inflatable/collapsible EMRG solar lamp is pretty useful as it’s lightweight and waterproof, making it ideal to bring outdoors. This matte finish solar lamp has five light modes: low, high, flashing, S.O.S, steady red. It can last up to 7 hours on a single charge, which is a great deal. I also received a similar item from the same brand in my SCOUTBOX Do Good box.
Nite Ize Gear Tie Reusable Rubber Twist Tie ($4.99) For organizing wires and cables, these rubber twist ties come to the rescue! I received two six-inch rubber ties in the pack. They can be twisted, and used over and over again, whether indoors or outdoors. It’s an innovative item I can slide into my carry pack wherever I go. They’re sturdy, with a bendable interior and a durable water-proof rubber ribbed exterior that provides excellent grip. These ties can also be used as hooks.

Hydralyte+ Lemon Lime ($1.50) It’s not just electronics that need power, adventurers do too! For an energy boost and hydration, this drink mix contains caffeine from green tea, as well as vitamins C, B12, and B6, which provide mental alertness, physical energy, mood stability, and an immune boost. Just pour one stick into your water, watch it fizz, and you’re ready to go. It’s the kickstart you need for the day!
This month’s box gave me the POWER UP need for outdoor adventures. There’s a power bank for recharging electronics, and a solar lamp to light up the night or serve as an emergency signal. I also like the drink powder packet which helps energize. The power-up tools are all lightweight and compact, so they are easy to slide into my bag and carry around. If you want to be adventure-ready every time, this subscription can provide you with great outdoor gear!
Each month, Nomadik subscribers receive an exclusive sticker. For this box, the sticker I received features campsite scenery with a waterfall on the side. There’s also a pamphlet that sits atop the items with product descriptions. Here’s a look:

Nomadik is a subscription box for outdoor enthusiasts. Each monthly box includes functional gear designed to increase your fun in the outdoors. All products have been trail tested by an outdoor adventurer and often incorporate new technologies. Every box has three to six pieces of unique, newly-released, or just plain ultra-handy gear from premium brands. They also recently released a new Quarterly Subscription for $149.99, which contains 4 to 10 premium outdoor equipment curated based on seasons and/or interests.
Nomadik’s outdoor gear subscription box topped the list in our readers’ choice list of best subscription boxes for the outdoors!
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