Nicely Noted is a monthly greeting card subscription. With every mailing, you’ll receive a collection of handmade letterpress cards plus the stamps to send them. This is art to give away, not to keep! This subscription is absolutely perfect for anyone who wants to start (or continue) sending letters in the mail to family and friends. A monthly subscription is $20, with free shipping.
DEAL: You can get 20% off from your first month by using the code NICE20.
Everything fits a small white envelope. The packaging is simple, but what’s important is that the items arrive in great condition.
There’s a letter from Nicely Noted.
The card features artists behind this month’s collection of letterpress cards. It’s really great to see that Nicely Noted introduces their artists and the stories behind them as well.
Everything I received this month!
Mail Stamps. Every mail comes with 3 stamps which you can mix and match with the cards. This month, I received stamps that feature Nebraska and Little Mo. There’s also one that’s New Year themed!
All the cards came with individual envelopes. Stamped at the back of each card are the logo of the company, as well as their artists!
Etc. Letterpress Blue Skies Ahead ($5) The first card is designed by Natalie Rae Good from Santa Fe, New Mexico. It gives off positive vibes with its blue background and the text that says “blue skies ahead”.
Lettered West You’re On The Right Path ($2.50) It’s a single-fold note card made from soft, white cotton paper that comes with its own recycled kraft envelope. It’s designed by Whitner Carlin of Denver, Colorado. This card is ideal to send to someone inclined to trekking or any outdoor adventure, or even just for someone who might need encouraging words.
Big Wheel Press Magical Birthday. This card is perfect for greeting a loved one on their birthday! Designed by Bill Muller from Easthampton in Massachusetts, this birthday greeting card comes with a unique design that features a unicorn-type sea-lion and a text that says “have a magical birthday!”
Nicely Noted sends high-quality greeting cards for different occasions! This month, I received a birthday greeting card, an inspirational card, and an encouraging card. This is definitely one of the best subscriptions for people who love sending greeting cards to friends and family members. There’s always something special about handwritten messages, and with Nicely Noted, it’s way easier for me to make sure that I have a great collection of cards that I can use anytime. These cards even come with their own envelopes and stamps so I can send them right away after writing a personal note!
What do you think of this month’s cards?