Sock Panda Tweens December 2020 Subscription Review + Coupon

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Sock Panda is a monthly subscription that sends fun socks every month! You will get two pairs of socks every month in Men, Women, Tween, or Kids.

This is a review of the Tweens version! The tweens subscription is $16 a month with boy and girl options.

DEAL: Save 10% on Sock Panda monthly subscriptions! Use coupon code PANDA10.

The Sock Panda partners with Indutexa S.A. in Lima, Peru. This family-run business makes excellent quality socks not only for Sock Panda, but also for Adidas, Fila, and Reebok.

There are two pairs of socks included in the package.

Each pair comes with a carton label indicating that Sock Panda donates socks to those in need for every pair purchased.

This month’s pairs of socks are made from 85% Peruvian cotton, 10% nylon, and 5% spandex which gives a 100% total fun!

Here’s the first pair! They are crew-cut style socks with a gray base color, reinforced green cuffs, and beige heels and toes.

The sock design looks really awesome! There’s a hand painting a sock on a canvas, and inside it is a beautiful panda sitting under a tree. It’s a sock-ception!

The second pair is also a crew-cut style. They have a white base color and a light blue cuffs, heels, and toes.

These are uniquely designed socks that feature a combination of an embroidered and printed clouds in shades of blue as well as yellow.

Sock Panda Tweens sends soft and breathable socks that are great to wear no matter what season. The designs are quirky and they appeal to tweens as well. Plus, the socks are thick enough to provide comfort and they don’t slip down easily. My kids love to wear them all the time! Another reason why we love this subscription is that they donate socks to those who are in need! If you have a tween who loves socks, this would be a fun monthly subscription to try!

Do you love fun socks?

Visit Sock Panda to subscribe or find out more!


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