Sago Mini Box is a monthly make-and-play subscription for preschoolers that brings quality and creative play. Each monthly box is $19 plus shipping, and if you decide to have an annual subscription, you can save up to $48 annually. You’ll get a box filled with make-and-play activities and surprises designed to teach modern skills to preschoolers and a Sago mini collectible figurine of one of the characters from the box, and a special letter for the kids.
DEAL: Get your first box for just $10! Use this link and coupon code SMBOX10.
The box features cute doodles on the outside!
The box listed all the inclusions on one of its sides.
The box includes a card.
At the back is a 15% off coupon code valid for new subscribers.
The contents are packed with wrapping paper and sealed with a Sago Mini sticker.
Some of the items also came in their individual boxes.
Another card welcomes us to this month’s box! The box this month is all about FARM!
The flip side of the card talks about all the activities in this month’s box and lists the contents as well!
Inside the box, the items are packed per activity in an envelope or a box.
The collectible mini-figurine is wrapped in a cute printed paper and sealed with a Sago Mini sticker.
Farmer Parker. This month’s collectible mini-figurine is the cute pig, Farmer Parker!
Farmer Parker is wearing a blue jumper shorts.
Activity # 1: Couch Garden + Farmers Market. The materials for the first activity was placed inside a box, and the instructions can be found at the bottom.
This activity encourages pretend play, and includes planting vegetables, harvesting, and selling the produce at a mini farmers market!
The kit includes a letter from Robin.
Here are all the materials in the kit: vegetables, watering can, and play money!
There are 6 plants in total! They are made of sturdy cardboard so they don’t fold or get ripped easily.
There are odd plants and crops as well, like this dog’s head, and a slice of pizza!
To make “planting” more fun, they even added tools like this rake and watering can.
The box also provided some play money that your kid can use when they sell the harvests!
First, my daughter planted the veggies by sticking them in the cracks of our sofa. She even watered the plants using the watering can!
After some time, it’s time to harvest the fruits of her labor. She used the rake to dig up veggies!
She easily pulled out the veggies from the cracks of our sofa!
My kids then arranged all the harvests on the market display using this month’s box.
It’s time to sell the veggies and make some money! Aside from enhancing their creativity through creative play, this activity teaches kids about where the veggies that we eat come from and how they started from the soil going to our tables!
Activity # 2: Chicken Nest + Mystery Eggs. The second activity is placed in another box. This one is all about making a chicken nest and then selling eggs later!
The instructions and inclusions are also listed at the bottom of the box.
This time, we received a letter from our farmer friend, Parker!
The box contains a chicken that we need to assemble, some mystery eggs, a box, and paper hay.
We need to guess which egg is rotten! 2 of the eggs are good and one contains a… sock!
Here’s everything that we received from the second kit!
The activity box also serves as the egg tray. You just need to pop out the circles on the box’s lid to create the holes of the tray, then place the eggs on them.
My kids also assembled the chicken by threading the tail through the slot on the back of the chicken.
The chicken can lay “eggs,” you just have to put the eggs inside the chicken from the top, then push the tail tab so the chicken can lay them!
It’s time to sell the chicken eggs in the market!
We displayed the chicken eggs along with our other harvests from the first activity.
The kids also opened the eggs and guessed who has the rotten one!
Activity # 3: Chair Pony. For the last activity, my kids made their new “neighhh”bor! This one came from our friend, Blueberry!
There were complete instructions on how to do the last activity on the flip side of the green envelope!
Blueberry also sent us a message!
For this activity, my kids made a chair horse, and the box provided almost all the materials.
We just have to provide a kiddie-sized chair to hold our pony’s head! My kids formed the pony’s head first before attaching it to the backrest of the chair.
They also attached the pony’s tail using hook and loop dots.
My kids also tried attaching the pony’s head to a broom handle! It was fun!
The set of stickers will be used to “dress-up” our friend pony!
My daughter attached a cute ribbon on the pony’s head.
She also tried to put the red framed glasses on it.
My kids actually made it into a unicorn that they can easily ride, using the broom handle!
Here’s everything that my kids are selling in the market stand!
We guess that our friends Robin, Parker, and Blueberry are all happy with what we accomplished!
Sago Mini Box always encourages learning and helps develop the children’s skills and creativity through play! They provide most materials needed for the activities, as well as easy-to-follow instructions, so all we have to do is set aside some time to make and play. My kids get really excited whenever this box arrives! This month, they all enjoyed learning about farm life and the different farm animals. The kids learned how the veggies end up on our table, from the farm’s soils to the market, and eventually, into our kitchen. They also love the egg-laying activity with the cute chicken! The chair horse is a really fun activity and the kids preferred the broom than the heavy chair! Overall, we’re happy and satisfied with this ridiculously cute box, and the kids love everything, from building and playing, and even the notes from their friends from Sago Mini!
What do you think of Sago Mini Box?