Farmgirl Flowers delivers beautiful flower arrangements from San Francisco. Bouquet prices start at $45, and they deliver anywhere in the continental US. Each bouquet is designed by hand and heart, and the flowers were sourced from farms that live up to the company’s high ethical standards.
The flowers came in a beautiful floral printed box.
At the bottom of the box, there’s a list of the different flower origins by county, US state, and country.
I am excited to see how beautiful my flowers are!
There’s a card included. I received these as a gift, but you know… we can’t really receive a box in our home without unboxing it!
There are also another bunch of cards that are inside the box.
It tells us more about how we can make use of the beautiful flowers we received. Some of them even come with beautiful illustrations!
These cards contain lots of useful stuff, from taking photos of your flowers to taking care of your flowers.
They also included a pin that says “Grit, grit, grit, grit.”
Here’s a note from Christina, who created the pin as a gift for everyone working on getting back up, and those who are struggling to find their own grit.
The pin is cool and inspirational! I love the holo glitter!
Here’s my bouquet wrapped in brown paper.
There’s a ribboned tag at the bottom of the bouquet, and they’re placed in a burlap.
The tag indicates how to show your blooms some love by removing all the packaging, trimming the stems at 45 degrees angle, and placing them on a vase of cool, clean water.
This is one colorful set of blooms that will definitely add color and some sweet fragrance inside our home.
The fresh blooms, foliage, and bits are arranged perfectly inside the biodegradable coffee bag.
I can’t wait to transfer them to a vase.
They also included some flower food for these blooms.
The stems need some trimming!
They suggested to trim down the stems to a 45-degree angle.
Here are the beautiful flowers, they’re actually in an almost-a-full bloom state.
The orchid is already looking beautiful.
My favorite part of this bouquet is definitely the red roses. Just in time for Valentines Day!
The fillers and greens are equally beautiful as the large blooms.
They definitely add beauty, color, and sweet smell around the house!
I can’t help but look at this beautiful arrangement…
Some of the flowers are opening up to the world after several days.
After some time, the flowers reveal their real beauty!
This is another flower delivery joint that is worth a try!
Having fresh flowers around the house gives us joy. They don’t just add beauty to our home, but a lovely scent as well. It’s always a happy experience to look at these fresh blooms and watch them beautifully reveal their beauty each passing day. I love red roses, and this bunch had a lot of these beautiful ones, which makes it a favorite bouquet of mine. They also included flower food and tips to prolong the life of these farm fresh beauties, and I greatly appreciate it! I
Any thoughts about the Farmgirl Flowers box?
SO PRETTY! I love their flowers!