Marvel Collector Corps is a bi-monthly subscription from Marvel Comics and Funko. The box promises $50 in value every box, plus every single item is a 100% exclusive item. Past items have included vinyl collectibles, home items, accessories, and apparel.
Funko has recently announced they are ending all their subscriptions – find out more about the closure here. Funko has made the past boxes available in their shop with no subscription required. Boxes are $35. However, if you were a subscriber to one of their lines, log in to your account and pick up a past box for $15!
Marvel Collector Corps has announced their new retail partner – it’s AMAZON!
This is a review of the founder gift sent to annual subscribers for 2017.
For 2017, the gift is an Ironman statuette! (Typo on the box!)
Nice design on the top of the box!
This definitely looks like an Academy Award! It feels like I already won an Oscar!
It’s really shiny… You can’t actually make Ironman looking at it from this angle, a little look closer will do!
It’s a hollow statue with a solid base that is even felted at the bottom.
Among the suits, Mark XX or Mark 20 is the closest to this statue’s look especially when it comes to color, as that suit version is a gold and black one.
Another addition to our trophy-like figures! I really do think this is a cool annual subscriber bonus, especially as there’s no discount for the year-long subscription and a really fun item to add to the collection. I always feel like an Oscar winner whenever I get my hands on one of these figures and I’m bummed that these basically no longer exist, but I’m excited to see what might be in the boxes available from Amazon!
What do you think of the recent happenings with Marvel Collector Corps?