Bette’s Box of Blessings Subscription Box Review + Coupon – January 2018

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Bette’s Box of Blessings is a subscription made with Christians in mind. It gives you a collection of gifts for yourself to help you grow in your faith and items to share your faith with friends and family. The boxes start at $29 per month.

DEAL: Get $5 off your first month’s box! Use coupon code HELLO.

Each box includes a letter from Bette talking about the inspiration for this month’s box.

This month’s theme is God’s Plan.

Laura Story Open Hands CD ($9.34) In month’s box, a special Laura Story CD is included. It is an entire collection of Christian songs with her Open Hands single featuring Mac Powell.

Like other albums, it comes in a clear plastic case. Inside, you’ll find the CD and the lyrics to each song printed on a booklet.

The back cover shows you the list of songs included in the album for easy browsing. This album has 11 tracks in it, with track 2 being the title song.

Woman Of Worth Pagemarker ($3.50) This adorable PageMarker is a nice touch. Its stainless gold finish makes it dainty and durable at the same time. It’s packaged in a clear box.

The flowers add a feminine touch and the cross a reminder of one’s faith.

FairHope Notes Greeting Cards ($14.95) As always, there’s an array of colorful cards that you can give to your friends. The front of the cards bear messages and passages that help uplift your spirits.

The messages in the cards are both thoughtful and affirming.

One of my favorites is this card. It sends a message that everybody needs the same amount of care and love and are entitled to receive the same blessings.

Here is an example of an uplifting message from on the cards. Overleaf the front of the card is a scripture printed at the bottom. It is also plain so you can still write a personalized message to the person you’re giving it to.

Your Dream. God’s Plan.: Are You Longing for Something More? Paperback by Tiffany Smiling ($11.12)

Satisfaction can be yours, but it might look different than you thought.

Like a lot of young women, Tiffany Smiling had been assured that the path to fulfillment looked like the one she’d seen in her favorite movies: She’d be swept away by a soul mate, live in a southern estate, and start a family.

But Tiffany’s story unfolded quite differently.

Weeks after serving on her high school’s homecoming court, while doctors operated to remove the brain tumor that was killing her, Tiffany suffered a paralyzing stroke. In the nick of a scalpel she lost her beauty and most of her physical ability. Returning to high school in a wheelchair, head half-shaved and face distorted, Tiffany vowed to be normal and live the dream.

And for a season, she did.

But just when the fairytale was within reach, God surprised Tiffany. Wooing her heart, God convinced her that there was something even better in store for her.

. . .And He has something better in store for you, too.

Read Your Dream. God’s Plan. and see how the Lord wants to use the broken pieces of your life for His greater plan for you.

Smiling’s story will help you see the ways God is writing your own amazing story—designed for His glory and your fulfillment.

My Prayer Journal Peaceful Moments to Bless Your Heart ($7.99)

Peaceful days are guaranteed when you spend time in prayer. Dozens of soul-soothing prayers are accompanied by inspiring scripture selections and generous journaling space—just for you. Featuring just-right-sized prayer starters to fit into your busy morning, afternoon, or evening routine and room to write your own thoughts and prayers, peaceful days are ahead–with My Prayer Journal: Peaceful Moments to Bless Your Heart!

Also in the box is a book by Tiffany Smiling with Margot Starbuck, in a beautiful turquoise shade. You’ll find inspiring stories inside the book that will fill you with gratitude. There’s also a prayer journal where you can write down your prayers. It has a spring binder so you can flip through the pages with ease.

On the back cover of the book, there’s a profile of the author and a back story of how this book came about.

Similar to any other book, it also has a table of contents with the page number for each chapter and a short description of what the chapter is about.

After the contents page is the introduction by the author which tells a beautiful worded story of the her life before writing the book.

The fonts are reasonable in size and has a clean face type for comfortable reading.

As for the prayer journal, it comes with printed pages in blue. You’ll find pre-thought prayers at the top of each page and some scriptures at the bottom.

There is also a part of each page where you can write your thoughts and reflections.

Opening this box indeed felt like a blessing! I love the songs in the CD, and the prayer journal will help me a lot in my everyday spiritual journey. I’m also learning a lot from the book’s content and I can’t wait to finish it! Give this box a try if you are looking to bring a little sunshine into your day. It will also make a great gift for a friend or a loved one!

Did you like this box? Let me know in the comments!

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