Sci-Fan Block March 2017 Subscription Box Review + Coupon

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Sci-Fan Block is a monthly sci-fi & fantasy geek subscription box. It’s part of the Nerd Block family, and every month you’ll get 4-6 epic items plus a custom sci-fi themed t-shirt.

This box has been updated now to Sci-Fan Block! Boxes will now contain both sci-fi and fantasy goodies.

Sci-Fan Block now has the Nerd Block Magazine.

DEAL: Save 15% on the first block  by using the code HELLOSUB16 (enter this after hitting the green review order button).

There are interesting reads inside the magazine. This one features items the original Power Rangers Dinozord…

…while this one features an article about Good Guy Cyborgs.

There are also fun activities in each magazine like this word search puzzle.

The centerfold contains the item list and their description.

Everything in my March 2017 Sci-Fan Block!

Judge Dredd Travel Pass ($12.99) This simple vinyl holder could be useful to keep a credit card handy along with your ID card.

This looks like a promotional item and was pretty flimsy – it doesn’t quite seem worth $13.

Star Trek Borg Ship Pin ($9.95)

I love Star Trek! This large enamel pin from Fansets shows a Borg cube with its characteristic Borg green glow!

I thought this pin could have benefited from double posts due to its size, but the pin itself was cool and it will look great in my collection!

Wild West VS The Future Art Print: Delving into dark fantasies with a WestWorld inspired print! Excuse me while I dork it up and tell you that this phrase is also based on Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet:

 “These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness
And in the taste confounds the appetite:
Therefore love moderately; long love doth so;
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.”

And if you haven’t finished the first season, go digging no further and just enjoy the print while you binge watch!

The print also had clear foil on it – it was hard to capture!

Cyborg Martini Shaker: Let the Justice League frenzy commence! Cyborg is making the jump from Teen Titans to the big league.

This item was also like a promo item – it felt like one of the decorated cups you would get at a movie theater. It IS top-rack, microwave, and freezer safe, and BPA free, so I was happy with that!

The shaker came with cap and strainer.

Cyborg Bar Mat: Remember when Deadpool was all over the boxes for a while until Marvel rocked everyone’s worlds with the best antihero movie ever? We are just getting teed up with Cyborg goodies. He will be in this year’s Justice League and is set for his own title in 3 years. I have a feeling this is just the beginning for Cyborg!

And a terry cotton towel was in the box too! You will need this to clean up messes generated by your failure at not being a Techno-Organic person.

The logo was embroidered on, which is a nice touch.

Ghost In The Shell T-Shirt: Probably what everyone was anticipating! This is a great graphic and I really loved that it didn’t include figures – just totally graphic. Perfect for the upcoming movie.

This box was odd for me – totally zero fantasy, all sci-fi, with a couple items at filler levels of quality. The shirt was great and the box definitely achieved some Cyborg excitement for me, but overall I had mixed feelings about the box. However, I am happy about seeing more fully licensed items in this box and fewer inspired-by items.

The theme next month is Kickin’ It Old School. Labyrinth, Star Trek, Twilight Zone, bring it!

What did you think about the March Sci-Fan Block?

Sci-Fan Block

Sci-Fan Block is THE science fiction and fantasy subscription box for true fans like you! Each Block will contain a variety of licensed merchandise as well as fantasy and sci-fi collectibles that are hand-selected by Nerd Block’s team of geek culture aficionados. Your fantasy and science fiction subscription box will contain products that are thoroughly tested for quality, collectability and of course, fun! Formerly Sci-Fi Block.

99 per month


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  • Jenny

    I so don’t know much about the Justice League. Guess I need to catch up before the movie and all that comes out. Can they just put them more on my CW shows and then I will know all about it 🙂 I’ve told you before I’m a TV DC girl but not so much into the movies. Well I do want to see Wonder Woman so hopefully that one will change my mind.