Tyed by DeDe is a male accessory box that delivers style. Each month receive five great items that coordinate meaning you will never have to worry about your look. Expect to receive a luxury tie of the month, a lapel pin, suspenders, pocket square, and socks all for $19.99 for a one time box or $59.97 for three months. Nine and twelve month subscriptions are available.

DEAL: Get $5 off your first order! Use coupon code TYEDBYDEDE.

I am excited to receive my first Tyed by DeDe box. I dress up twice a week and am always searching for new looks. January’s look is what I need!

I really like the floral pattern. It coordinates well with my wardrobe.
It is the skinniest tie that I own. It was easy to tie and looked great with my outfit which you will see later in the review.

I don’t own many lapel pins and can’t wait to venture into the lapel pin look. I’m glad that a pocket square is included because a pocket square finishes the look.

I never wore suspenders before. I can’t wait to see how it adds to my look.

When I look at the socks I see a bunch of Tri-Forces from the Legend of Zelda! These socks are awesome!!!
I went with a conservative look because I dress up for class and Sundays. I added a tie clip to keep the tie in place on a windy day.
I used the president fold for the pocket square because it is the easiest. I am still mastering the other folds. I also did a half Windsor knot with the tie because I am learning these things on my own. My dad is no help when it comes to dressing up.
Here’s the look with the suspenders showing. It felt different wearing them although it adds to the look.
It does form nice lines.
I love my Tri-Force socks!
It’s the Tyed by DeDe Team!
I can’t believe I received a complete look for less than twenty dollars. It’s stylish and on trend. I will be using the tie, pocket square, and the socks the most. It’s good to know that I have the lapel pin and suspenders when I want to spice up my look. It’s a great box that gives you everything you need to look fresh in a suit.
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