Sci-Fan Block January 2017 Subscription Box Review + Coupon

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Sci-Fan Block is a monthly sci-fi & fantasy geek subscription box. It’s part of the Nerd Block family, and every month you’ll get 4-6 epic items plus a custom sci-fi themed t-shirt.

This box has been updated now to Sci-Fan Block! You should see the new branding on boxes next month – boxes will contain both sci-fi and fantasy goodies.

DEAL: Save 15% on the first block  by using the code HELLOSUB16 (enter this after hitting the green review order button).

Sci-Fan Block now has the Nerd Block Magazine.

There are interesting reads inside the magazine. This one features the gadgets made by Stark Industries.

The centerfold contains the item list and their description.

There’s also a preview of the next month’s theme. For February, it’s “The Hunters.” YASSS! Can’t wait to see some Supernatural in this box!

Everything in my January 2017 Sci-Fan Block!

Dungeons & Dragons Pin: D&D has popped up in Nerd Blocks at least twice this month – we also got a sweet D&D shirt in Shirt Block!

There are 2 posts to help the pin in the perfect spot.

Such a great pin to kick off the addition of fantasy to the box!

The Hobbit 3D Playing Cards ($10) – A limited edition deck that will make standard card games a lot more enjoyable especially if you are a fan.

The image changes when you look at it from a different angle. I love lenticular anything!

The set has a total of 54 cards which includes 24 unique images of The Hobbit characters – Gandalf, Gollum, Elrond, Bilbo Baggins, and more! Compared to ordinary playing cards, these are made of more sturdy materials. Safe from creasing and dog ears!

The cards also come with an embossed silver tin.

Buckle Down Harry Potter Wallet – If you’re a Potterhead, you know this is where you’ll want to store your Galleons, Sickles and Knuts. Safer than Gringotts!

Lots of spaces for cards too! Like the brand name suggests, the feel is similar to a seatbelt.

Doctor Who: System Wipe by Oli Smith ($7.26) An interesting read, especially if you like post-apocalyptic fiction!

There are three books available in this month’s box: System Wipe, Heart of Stone and Death Riders. Subscribers will receive one random book each.

The Doctor finds himself trapped in the virtual world of Parallife. As he tries to save the inhabitants from being destroyed by a deadly virus, Amy and Rory must fight to keep the Doctor’s body in the real world safe from the mysterious entity known as Legacy.

NASA Postcards – With beautiful images, I’m going to find it hard to send these postcards away!

It would make for a nice display at home, right? I’ve always been crazy about these great designs and I’m really thrilled with this set.

Game of Thrones Map of Westeros & Map Marker Magnet Set ($11.04) It’s an official and licensed Game of Thrones item! Are you excited for Season 7?

Sculpted map markers are included to help us formulate our own strategy for conquering Westeros!

A closer look at the magnetic map. It really is detailed! Tom spent more than his fair share of time playing with this one and I’m going to be honest, it’s going on the main fridge.

Demogorgon T-Shirt: Another D&D item, and something to keep us company while waiting for Stranger Things Season 2! I’d quite forgotten that the Demogorgon featured in Paradise Lost but there was a nice feature in the mini-mag that reminded me of it.

Orcus and Ades, and the dreaded name
Of Demogorgon

Of course he’s one of the big baddies in D&D.

LOTR vs. Alien Print: Gandalf may defeat the Xenomorphs and their Queen, but not before Gollum gets chest-bursted!

A $10 voucher to the Nerd Block shop was also included.

Although this month’s block was still technically Sci-Fi block, it basically is already Sci-Fan, with a healthy mix of fantasy and sci-fi. I’m a huge fan of both genres, so I’m not disappointed in getting both in the same box, but I do wish that they had spent more time with some Sci-Fi classics, and maybe even some Hugo Award winners. A sci-fi geek can dream!

What did you think about the January Sci-Fan Block?

Sci-Fan Block

Sci-Fan Block is THE science fiction and fantasy subscription box for true fans like you! Each Block will contain a variety of licensed merchandise as well as fantasy and sci-fi collectibles that are hand-selected by Nerd Block’s team of geek culture aficionados. Your fantasy and science fiction subscription box will contain products that are thoroughly tested for quality, collectability and of course, fun! Formerly Sci-Fi Block.

99 per month


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  • Jenny

    Nice box and next month with Supernatural you are going to LOVE it!!!