Lip Monthly is a monthly makeup subscription that is all about your lips. Every month you will receive a unique bag of 4-5 items mostly for lips, although other cosmetics may appear from time to time.
The bag this month is a different fabric than normal – it’s a canvasy type fabric instead of plasticy pleather.
DEAL: Subscribe for a whole year and get 3 bags free with 3FREE or use coupon code LIPLOVER1 to get your first bag for $5.
Four items for a retail value of $67.95.
Lord & Berry Crayon Lipstick ($10) Lord and Berry is an Italian brand that pops up frequently in UK and other boxes. This smaller size is likely a promo or sample size but it will last me a while.
Hola Neon Matte Lipstick ($17) I love a good matte lip product (I swear by Colourpop’s liquid mattes) and I am really excited to try a look with this. It has brown undertones which I don’t normally reach for.
Jelly Pong Pong Liptensity Gloss ($19.95) I’ve tried a lot of JPP products since they’re always featured in the So Susan Lip Love bags, and i love their formulations. This colour is a bit crazy for me but it sheers out nicely.
Manna Kadar Lip Locked Priming Lipstick ($24) This shade is Bliss which is a nice neutral rose.
From left to right: Manna Kadar, Jelly Pong Pong, Hola Neon, Lord & Berry.
This month’s Lip Monthly had a value of almost $70. I was happy to see a few new brands featured such as Jelly Pong Pong. I find that Lip Monthly gets repetitive with Manna Kadar and Lord & Berry frequently turning up again and again which can get a bit boring, so it’s nice to see something different.
What do you think of Lip Monthly?
I just subscribed today . I am hoping I like the subscription.
Lip Monthly’s Jan bag, is the best bag, I have ever received! I LOVE everything in the bag, all the colors are wearable and either full size or promo size. Lip Monthly is making the decision to cancel a few of the other subscriptions I have.
This Month, Lip Monthly bag was just fantastic. I find it overwhelming and amazing! ^_^ BTW JPP is greaaat!