Pip & Lola’s Everything Homemade Soapy Subscription Box is a customizable soap box! First, select the “Duet Better Package” (2 soaps) or the “Soaping Solo Package” (1 soap). Next, chose one of three options. The first option is the standard option of any soap from their 100 different varieties. The second option is the dude package which contains more “man-friendly” soaps and no floral scents. The third option is the vegan package which will have soaps that do not contain goats milk, beeswax or honey in them. All options include body, facial, and shampoo soaps. Lastly, pick your payment option. Enjoy the wonderful world of soap!
Pip & Lola’s has updated its subscriber options. The ‘Soaping Solo Package’ (single bar) with shipping included is $6.49 monthly. The original option of $3.99 plus shipping is available too. The ‘Duet Better Package’ (two bars) with shipping included is $9.49. The original option of $6.99 plus shipping is also included.

It’s a totally T takeover! Time to find out what a 17-year-old teenage boy thinks of soap.
DEAL: If you haven’t tried them out yet you can use coupon code FBSOAPLOVE16 to save 20% on your first subscription!

T (age 17): Here is everything that came in the December Duet Package for Dudes. My mom is excited because there are soap samples too.

All Fir You Soap (4 oz, $6.49) Cold Process, Vegan Soap
T: All Fir You – What comes to mind when you hear Christmas? No, not bills! Christmas trees! And that’s exactly what this soap smells like. This soap has a wonderful woodsy/forest scent and honestly, it doesn’t get any more masculine than that. I can’t wait to lather up with this. Festive girls will love the scent!

Perfect Pomander ($6.49) Hot process, Vegan
T: Perfect Pomander – This smells like Gingerbread! I love Gingerbread, and the story of that little man who likes to run 🙂 Starting of the day smelling like oranges and gingerbread should get any guy in a holiday mood. Plus, that ups your manliness factor! Trust me 😉

T: Rosemary Mint Shampoo Bar Sample – A nice minty smell. I haven’t used shampoo bars before. My brother likes them. Mint is always a good go-to smell.

T: Super-Camphor-Eucalyptus-Menthol-Aladocious: This smells like cough medicine. It’s very strong. I took a big whiff of it, and it cleared up my nostrils. That’s GOOD because I run out in the cold and tend to be stuffed up a lot, so I can use this whenever I have issues.
T: I like changing my soap scents often and soaps that has a masculine scent. The Pip & Lola’s soaps are perfect for doing just that. The soaps last me about a week and a half because I shower three times a day. A regular shower, a post-practice shower, and a post-workout shower. Add in the variety of manly scents, and you simply can’t beat it.
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