Mindful Coloring Box is a new subscription box that promises to make “coloring meaningful, relaxing and fun!” Let’s start with the outside packing – already this box looks colorful and fun!
Inside the mailing paper, there was a sturdy box (good to keep the coloring goodies safe!) that also had a bright, colorful label. I’m excited to dig in!
Opening the box, I see that all of the goodies are wrapped in pretty tissue paper with heart stickers. Not to give away any secrets, but the heart stickers were a nice touch since the theme of this month’s coloring project is LOVE!
Every month the Mindful Coloring Box will include a new “Guided Meditation Coloring Book” with phrases and images designed to uplift the spirit; a Project Folder containing usable coloring projects such as greeting cards, postcards, and tiles; and premium coloring supplies.
Here is a look at everything in the box. I was super excited to review this box, because I love, love, love coloring. Before adult coloring books became a thing, I used to spend hours sitting with my daughters and coloring in their coloring books with crummy broken crayons. Adult coloring is so much better. Anyway, even better, this package arrived on my doorstep right as the weather forecasters were calling for a washout for Memorial Day weekend. A rainy long weekend? Sounds like coloring is just the activity for me (and my tween daughter, because I’m nice and I share…sometimes).
Guided Meditation Coloring Book: I really liked the coloring book for a few reasons. First – it has a spiral binding so it lays nice and flat no matter which page you are coloring. Second – the paper is good quality and thick, so you can color lightly or with intensity and the paper will stand up.
Third – the designs are lovely and the meditative phrases are both calming and inspiring. Here’s a sample set of pages in the book. The designs are intricate enough to be interesting, but simple enough to color so that you can get into a groove and relax. (I also like the coloring books with very intricate patterns, but then I find myself really concentrating and that isn’t always as calming!) I also really like the meditative phrases…I find myself repeating them as I color and I really engage with them, especially when there are words or other things to color right there with the phrase.
Coloring Project: In addition to the coloring book, the box included this folder. I’m torn about the folder – it is nice and heavy and makes a good container for coloring projects. On the other hand, the folder is made of shiny paper and so you can’t color it well…and I wanted to. (You put white paper with designs in front of me and I want to color it. Yes, it’s like that.) Anyway, setting aside my compulsion to color, let’s look inside the folder, because that’s where the goodies are.
Inside the folder, there was a sheet explaining the enclosed projects and, of course, the projects themselves. Inside this month’s folder, there were 2 post cards, 2 note cards, and 4 tiles.
Here’s a better look at the projects. The 4 tan pieces are little tiles; the postcards are on the left (grey and white) and the note cards are on the far right. We haven’t colored any of the tiles yet, but we are loving the postcards and note cards. So pretty and we can send them to friends and family after we color them. I also like the small sizes of the tiles and note cards, because I occasionally bring coloring with me to work when I am trying to think and be creative. I can slip a few colored pencils and one of these tiles in my work bag for those “get-the-creative-juices-flowing” moments.
Art Supplies: In this prettily wrapped package, there are some amazing colored pencils. Prismacolor pencils are just fantastic for coloring project – the colors are bold and true and the pencils have a nice “hand feel.”
At first I was surprised there were only five colors. But then I read up a little on what the Mindful Coloring Box was doing and had in store for its future boxes: “We choose premium quality art supplies that you might not typically try. Instead of being stuck with a set of standard colors, we use our art expertise to curate a palette of colors that work well together AND can build into a complete collection of colors to use on your projects.” That’s a fun idea – and I agree, a lot nicer that getting a box of the same 8 primary/secondary colors every month. Plus it’s kind of a surprise to see what colors will be sent! These five may not be colors I would have picked, but they are very pretty together and are a nice addition to my (boring colored) pencils.
In the first box only, the Mindful Coloring Box sends a clipboard. I was so excited to see this because I love to sit and color on the couch. Of course, my daughter also likes to color while sitting on the couch…so she was thrilled too. You’d never know how exciting a clipboard is. This was a very thoughtful addition to the box, especially since sitting at a table or desk is not always the best for meditating and relaxing… I definitely appreciate this idea!
Here is a picture of my daughter coloring one of the post cards from the Project Folder. The pencils color really well and the palette is very pretty. We had a lot of fun working on coloring this rainy weekend!
Bottom Line: This is a neat new subscription box. The Mindful Coloring Box has done a nice job of planning this out – from the palette-enhancing pencils to the clipboard to the meditative phrases in the coloring book. Each month will bring a new theme and pictures to keep coloring interesting and fresh. I felt the designs and the phrases were very relaxing and I also liked being able to color with my tween daughter – so having both the coloring book and the projects allowed both of us to color together. Plus, between the project and the coloring book, there are plenty of things to color for a whole month…until the next box arrives!
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Visit Mindful Coloring Box to subscribe or find out more!
The Description: Mindful Coloring Box is your ultimate coloring experience. Take your precious self-care time to the next level with our guided meditation coloring book designed to uplift your spirit. Every month is a new theme with creative and usable coloring projects like greeting cards, postcards and collectible tiles. PLUS we select a set of premium art supplies to try with a coordinate color palette every month to make your coloring meaningful, relaxing and fun!
The Price: $29.95 per month
The Categories: Crafts, DIY, & Hobby Subscription Boxes. Coloring Book Subscriptions, Subscription Boxes for Mindfulness and Meditation.