History Unboxed is a hands-on learning experience that gives a child an emotional attachment to history. The student learns by using recipes, crafts, art, myths, and information that is on their learning level. Everything is included in the box except for perishable items. There are two age groups that I am going to let History Unboxed explain.
The box for 5-9 year-olds is more visual and contains high interest, briefer conversation points to help start a dialogue about history. It is also more heavily screened for historic violence and is kept age appropriate for the youngest students. We additionally provide a sheet of information for parents or educators so they can learn more about each civilization to discuss with their student. This box is meant to be used under the direction of a parent, older student, or educator.
The box for 10-15 year-olds contains a lot more detail and in depth information. It comes with a penpal style letter for “Ava” our time traveling teenager, a detailed coloring sheet, and an additional page of historic information. It is meant to be enjoyed mostly independently.

Many of my boxes have a difficult journey through the USPS system including this box. The items inside were not impacted. I did remove the papers included in the box for a better photo.

Here are the items in History Unboxed – Ancient Ghana. I did not include the information sheets in this photo. I will be reviewing the age 5-9 box. J, age 7, is my enthusiastic helper!

I liked the way the box is set up. It’s a mixture of hands-on and online activities. J, age 7, is a strong kinesthetic learner. Hands-on tinkering is what he lives for and enjoys! He’s also a product of his generation and enjoys online activities too.

The first thing that we did was locate modern Ghana on our map. He pointed to Senegal at first. He was close! The map is our own map and is not included in the box. Your subscription starts with a starter kit that includes a timeline poster, a time capsule, and other items that will be used throughout your subscription.
My boys dove into the box and took out a few items. One item is the camel sticker that would be placed on the timeline poster. It’s the cutest picture I ever saw of a camel. The other item was a fun cartoon panel that gives the student a brief overview of the box in an enjoyable way.

Nowadays we don’t give much thought to what goes into making cotton fabric. Cotton fabric was a highly prized trade in ancient Ghana. Directions, loom, large needle, and needle threader were provided. J is unsure about the craft and hasn’t tried it yet. I put it aside for the summer.

Story telling, or Griots, were important people in Ancient Ghana keeping the oral history alive and being full of wisdom. Anansi is a well-known folktale character in Ghana history who had the ability to shape-shift from human to spider. He was tricky, yet his temper got the best of him at times. J’s favorite story is the first story where Anansi tricked different animals. He loved the stories and enjoyed retelling them to us.

It gets even better. We used the Writer Emergency Pack ($19.00) after listening to the Anansi stories. J loves to talk, sing, and make up stories. He fits the saying mothers of boys work listen from son up to son down.

The idea is to tell a story by using all the details in the photo. The corresponding card provides prompts and brainstorming ideas.

We have created a story teller! J came up with a great story about how the dragon was trying to trick the heroes by using a dragon puppet. He loved the Writer Cards and wants to use them every day to tell another story to me.

I asked J want the cotton boll, the cotton blossom, felt like to him. He said it felt like a spider web. He was amazed by how closely it resembled cotton balls. He was fascinated that what he was holding becomes clothing.

We wanted to do this except the lemons in the store look yucky. We are holding off until we find a few decent lemons because we plan to make it look beautiful and artistic at the same time.
There are also social learning resources available by joining their mailing list and checking out Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Keep learning by exploring additional games, websites and videos related to the country of the month.
J loved History Unboxed Ancient Ghana. He keeps requesting that I purchase past boxes in the store. I will for him to enjoy over the summertime. He listens to the CD often and enjoys repeating the stories to us. J and I take turns coming up with new stories with the Writer’s Block Cards. He’s not convinced yet about weaving on a circle loom. We also explored different resources to learn more about ancient Ghana. It’s a excellent educational box that connects your child or student to history.
What do you think of History UnBoxed? You can save 5% on any subscription with coupon code hellosub.
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The Description: History Unboxed is a subscription box for kids ages 5-15 that helps young people connect to history through hands-on learning. By experiencing the ancient world through recipes, crafts, art, myths, and relatable details, young learners can form a lasting and meaningful bond with the past, and find out just how rewarding and entertaining learning can be!
The Price: $19.99 per month
The Categories: Kids Educational & Learning Subscription Boxes.Subscription Boxes for School-Aged Children.
When he does the weaving, the important thing to remember is that the string loops around the spokes of the wheel – it never criss-crosses the back. This is so you can pop the weaving off when it’s finished; if the string is going across the back, you can’t do that. All the weaving is done on the front only.
Just mentioning this because I did the weaving myself and I noticed that another reviewer’s child had got it wrong. It would be really frustrating to spend a lot of time on it and then see that it couldn’t be removed without cutting.
Also, I said ‘spokes’ but I mean the little nubs around the outer rim. Sorry!
Thank you for letting me know! I would hate for him to become frustrated after working hard at it. I am hoping he is going to enjoy it.