Ever After Box is a monthly box for lovers of romance novels. Each month you get a romance book and some extras all to a theme. The theme for February was Sweet Tooth. I love how it goes with Valentine’s Day without being just about Valentine’s Day.
First look after I took the info card off the top. I was a little confused since the box was heavy but I didn’t see a book right off. It was on the bottom as you will see below so there but in a place that kept it flat and didn’t squish the other goodies.
The box came with a nice information card telling all about the products.
Everything in the Sweet Tooth box.
This is a really nice touch. As I said about the book was in the bottom of the box. It has a little tie around it with the other papers from the box.
A letter from the author of the book.
Sweet Disorder by Rose Lerner ($13.99) – This month’s book selection. This is the first book in the Lively St. Lemenston series. I like when a box sends the first book in a series so that I feel like I can jump right in and I’m not lost or confused when I start reading.
This looks like a very interesting book and a romance but also some political issues as well. It is also a period book which I find interesting when reading. I can get lost in the times and the lives they live in them. A total immersion is always a great read. Oh and read the warning on the back. I keep laughing as I read it and can’t wait to see how it really plays out.
[It says “Warning: Contains elections, confections, and a number of erections.” Ha!]
Cookie Cutter & Recipe – I’m not much of a scratch baker and more of a from the bag kindof cook but my boys love to make shape cookies so the heart cutter is fun. I actually have most of the things in the recipe so I might give it a shot sometime.
Cupcake Tarot Deck – These are an Ever After box exclusive and I had to spread them out to share with you. They are so fun and I can’t wait to pull them out with my friends one night. They really are making me hungry though.
Color Your Own Conversation Hearts – Funny but neither of my boys got any of these for Valentine’s Day and I actually like them so this is a good one. It definitely fits with the theme.
All Natural Soy Candle in Strudel & Spice ($5.49) – This candle smells delicious. I’ve already got it on my kitchen counter ready to be lit.
Cupcake Bath Bomb by Melted Addiction in Date Night ($4.50)- Of course Ever After had no way of knowing but Friday mornings when I’m not rushing out to take anyone to school I do bathtime. I’m a little behind the times but I’m just getting into bath bombs and this one looks fun.
Overall I think this is a great book box. Ever After Box did a great job at curating this one and keeping everything in the Sweet Tooth theme to go along with the book!
Visit Ever After Box to subscribe or find out more!
The Description: Ever After Box is a subscription box for romance readers that delivers great reads and romance community collectibles centered around a fun theme each month. Each box contains at least one book plus 3-5 gift items. Items include exclusive fan merchandise, bookmarks, cool product finds and more! All in a pretty box!
The Price: $29.99 per month
The Categories: Book Subscriptions.Romance Novel Subscriptions.