Collectible Geek‘s Monthly Cache is a monthly package built for the ultimate collector, geek, or enthusiast. Each Cache comes with “five meticulously chosen items such as t-shirts, Funko products, nerdy toys from the staff at collectibleGEEK, featuring a different theme each month”. this box randomly showed up – I’m guessing that it’s for review (I did have a subscription), which is a bit odd, because they just posted this on their Facebook a couple days ago:
Good evening collectors!
As you may have noticed, we haven’t announced a theme for November yet. The reason is that we are taking the month off to prepare for some big changes we have in the works!! We’re going to be debuting a new website and a slew of new products!! Not just subscription boxes, but also new products that will be for sale on our website! Stay tuned to our page for updates. We can’t wait to show you all the exciting changes we have for you!!
Here’s hoping that they’re the first box to ever come back from a hiatus in their service!
The September 2015 theme is Quest Accepted!
Everything in the September box!
Who knows what the subscriptions will look like in November, but the information card has the details on each item. I have to say, this subscription did a complete turnaround since this Spring. Buuuut I think they would really have something if they had a Funko Pop (regular) in every monthly cache, which it originally was supposed to be.
Culture Shock Print Co Micro Poster Set ($6?) This is a tabletop/video game mashup, and the cards look like Magic: the Gathering cards. I got Link and Samus, though Mario is floating around somewhere too. I think this is a cute geek item and they did a good job with these!
Heroes Of The Storm Funko Mystery Mini ($7.99) Heroes of the Storm is one of Blizzard’s MPMMOs (massively popular MMO!). I believe this terrifying thing is Kerrigan, Queen of Blades.
Once a Terran ghost with unprecedented psionic abilities, Sarah Kerrigan was betrayed by her allies and transformed by the ravenous zerg into the indomitable Queen of Blades. Now freed of The Dark God Amon’s corruption, Kerrigan faces a threat that could destroy the galaxy itself.
Halo UNSC Lanyard ($7.32) This is the most serious and substantial lanyard I have ever seen. It’s basically the same sort of material you would see for chute webbing. And also, if you are a geekazoid pin collector, it would make a great lanyard for pins because it is soooo sturdy. Not that I have a lot of pins or anything or know anything bout that.
Halo Master Chief Helmet Vinyl Keychain ($10.93) Did I ever tell you that I totally seduced my husband by buying an Xbox and Halo? I can’t believe we’re on 5 already!!
Legend Time T-Shirt ($15) A Zelda/Adventure Time mashup! This shirt was funny. Just plain funny. I liked it. Gildan Heavy weight blank.
This was a good month and I was happy to see that Collectible Geek continues to improve its subscription. I will definitely post upon its return! The next cache is supposed to be for December 2015, and their site should reopen in November. I have a little more faith in this one coming back, as they purposefully shipped their last cache to me in October to prime the well for a post in November 🙂 We’re all rooting for you CG!
Visit Collectible Geek to subscribe or find out more!
The Description: The collectible cache, which is a monthly package built for the ultimate collector, geek, or enthusiast. Each Collector’s Cache comes with five meticulously chosen items such as t-shirts, Funko products, nerdy toys from the staff at collectibleGEEK, featuring a different theme each month.
The Price: $98.00 per month
The Categories: Geek Gamer & Nerd Subscription Boxes. Funko Subscription Boxes.
The Reviews: See all our Collectible Geek Reviews.