Loved + Blessed is a Christian box with the mission of surprising you with a box full of encouragement each month. It’s only $10 per month and every month you will receive a mini poster, a reminder sticker of the monthly encouragement, a scripture card, and a little gift.
When you open the box there’s an information card with the theme. May has a theme of Strength, and I have been having a rough month, so this was a very uplifting box for me. You’ve been through a lot, but you’re still here, the inside of the box states. I love this, nothing is over until GOD says its over.
Mini poster, reminder card, gift, sticker. The mini poster is for your home or office to remind you that its okay to feel broken, you will rise. There is also a reminder sticker for your mirror, window or laptop. Last a scripture card to fit in your pocket for encouragement on the go.
” We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair;
persecuted, but not abounded;
struck down, but not destroyed.”
-2 Corinthians 4:8-9 NIV
This adorable wrap bracelet was included in the box as well, to remind you that God is your anchor. With him as your strength, fear no storm. What an encouraging box, this month was. I can not wait to see what next month will bring.
I think this is a cute & stylish subscription as well as inexpensive. I also think that the changing themes are a nice renewal to help you pay more attention to the message.
Visit Loved + Blessed to subscribe or find out more. See all my Loved + Blessed Reviews!
The Description: Loved and Blessed sends you a monthly box of encouragement. The loved+blessed collection of jewelry and prayer accessories was launched in 2006, with the goal of helping women share their testimony of God’s love.
The Price: $10 per month
This is, by far, one of my most favorite subs! Red happens to be my favorite color, so this was a double-win for me <3