Moustache Coffee Club is a coffee subscription box featuring freshly roasted single origin beans. Beans are shipped the day they are roasted to ensure the utmost freshness! This is not something that I would have considered, but coffee freaks would: Moustache Coffee Club “favor[s] coffee that is lightly roasted so as not to obscure the more nuanced tastes.” They believe that their beans are so awesome that they only need a light touch.
Moustache Coffee Club offers several different plans, depending on your coffee demands, as few as a half bag every other week to as many as one five-pound bag every month. You can get your first bag free by signing up! You may cancel anytime and if you don’t like the coffee you can get a refund or double the coffee.
As I am not a coffee drinker, Moustache Coffee Club sent some beans to the husband, my resident coffee reviewer! My husband is really into grinding beans now and he just uses a basic coffee grinder and a French press.This is his review:
OK, I don’t get the name, but the coffee I get. I received a full 180 grams (8.5 oz) of gourmet beans from one of Columbia’s premier growing regions. This months offering was a fruity and balanced small-farm offering that was runner up for best of the Huila region in 2013. Along with a generous portion of beans, you also get a letter detailing the selection and some helpful notes on origin, processing, and tasting. Very pleasant bean – I threw some in my French press, and before I knew it I was almost through my second pot!
Obviously my husband isn’t a hipster/doesn’t have the Moustache love that I do, but he loved this coffee. He knows very well he isn’t supposed to drink two pots of it. But he did anyways, so it must mean that it was truly fantastic.
The Description: Get amazing freshly roasted, single origin coffee beans every week! Beans are shipped the day they are roasted. MCC features high quality beans and lighter roasts to feature the beans’ natural flavors. Biweekly plans also available.
The Price: $17.49
The Coupon: Sign up for the club and get a free bag!.